About Us

Hi, I’m Coach Emma!

I am a self-proclaimed coffee, adventure, and mountain addict. I live in Richmond, Virginia, but my heart has been in Virginia’s blue ridge mountains ever since I first rode my bike out there in 2013. There is nowhere I feel more alive than at the top of a mountain (especially one reached by two feet or two wheels). I founded Blue Ridge Coaching Company because I want to help others reach their physical and metaphorical mountain tops - each time stronger, faster, healthier, happier, and more confident than the last. 

I graduated from The College of William and Mary with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology in 2017, obtained a strength and conditioning certification through NASM that same year, and have a background in multi-sport and cycling training. I am currently a professional cyclist and Level 3 USAC Coach, and was a personal trainer and physical therapy technician prior.

Schedule a free consultation and get started working with me today!

“The fact that Emma is actively racing at the highest level brings a unique perspective...she also understands the challenges that come with balancing a full time job, training, family, etc. and has a desire to continually broaden her knowledge base.”

— Michelle K.